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Culture Arts and Heritage

The Bureau of Culture, Arts, and Heritage actively works to develop, promote, and celebrate Sylvestrian cultural heritage and tradition, while also supporting contemporary music, literature, and visual art. The bureau has supported local artists in developing the Sylvestrian national anthem and transcribing oral traditions. Sylvestrian food culture and cuisine has benefitted from the bureau's release of the cookbook, "The Sylvestrian Kitchen Displayed", and the bureau is actively working to promote the wear of traditional Sylvestrian clothing as a way to connect to our rich heritage. The development of local cottage industry and sustainable development of the Tel Kappa district is a priority for future resource allocation.

National Anthem, Arms, and Flag

Sylvestria's flag was selected as the national banner on June 18, 2024. The green represents the dark forests and verdant agricultural fields of Sylvestria. The white represents peace and serenity, and the yellow, eight-pointed star represents regeneration. 


Similar colors and motifs may be found within the Arms of Sylvestria; as well as some significant differences: the three stars represent the three districts of Sylvestria, and the shield is surmounted by the crown of the Prince of the Sylvestrians.


The national anthem was written by Director General Toth in March 2024 and set to music in July 2024. 

Sylvestria Natiional Anthem Hail to Thee!
00:00 / 01:59


Sylvestrian cuisine is heavily influenced by the seasonal availability of locally produced or foraged ingredients. The early emergence of buckwheat as a prolific crop resulted in a number of recipes focusing on the grain as a staple, augmented by other available ingredients such as potatoes, chicken, and pumpkin. Campfire cooking is ubiquitous in Sylvestria and has given rise to the popularity of the annual Cast Iron Chef competition which sees contestants enter and compete to produce the best campfire cooked meal with exotic and surprise ingredients.

Folk Costume

Sylvestrian folk dress tradition plays a major role in preserving national values, cultural identity, heritage and tradition. Each denn, rodh, and region displays their particular features in colors and garment items though some elements are common among all Sylvestrians. Sylvestrians wear national costumes during national holidays and while working in or visiting the ceremonial and governmental seat of Tel Kappa. 


Common elements among all Sylvestrian folk costumes are the tunic and sash. The sash serves to identify a wearer as a member of his denn by way of its unique color and pattern. Men typically wear a conical felt hat in winter, while women wear a pillbox hat and vest. In summer, both women and men may be seen wearing wide brimmed straw hats.

Holidays and Sports

Holidays are central to life in Sylvestria. Pimsday is especially important, as it is the day Sylvestrians gather in the nation's ceremonial center in Tel Kappa to celebrate the day Pim enlightened the Visionary. The day also marks the annual investiture and welcoming of new Sylvestrians. Founder's Day commemorates the day the Ballovia Accord was signed and marks the official the founding of the Sylvestrian government. Canning Day marks the end of the harvest season and is set aside for the processing and preservation of foods for the winter. Christmas sees the nation transformed into a magical wonderland and is marked with family and community gatherings.


Pimsday May 15

Founder's Day October 1

Canning Day November 20

Christmas December 25


Sylvestrians love sports. For many, bicycling is not only recreational but essential for navigating Sylvestria's narrow paths and transporting goods to market in Tel Kappa. An emerging sport, Plunkle, is a Sylvestrian spin on bocce ball and kubb. It features teams of two, alternating the tossing of three sand-filled cloth bags down a grass court which measures 48 feet long and 12 feet wide. The first team which manages to knock down all of the opposing team's pins wins.


The Sylvestrian Frontier Games, held every October in commemoration of the founding of Sylvestria, features events such as the log toss, tug-of-war, the hammer fling, and the biathlon.

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